Sunday, January 8, 2012


Fot the first time in my life,I used pregnancy test..Kelakar OK..Tak apa,nama pun 1st time kan..No experience..Tapi malu juga lah coz some people can laugh if I told them that I dont know how to used it.Where should I put my urine??How to see the result??And etc...

So after 2month married with my hero,MRF...I buy my first pregnancy test from pharmacy at SDMC.Beli yang murah and brand biasa je.Kebetulan time tu follow MAK visit her friend.So,saje la beli and try..Excited nak try.Time tu beli without MRF around.But I called MRF and inform him about this thing and MRF sangat excited.Asik xall tanya dah buat ke belum,apa result...Padahal still at the hospital lagi.

Then balik je rumah,terus try.Hehehehehe..Guest what??I dont know how to used it.Memalukan.I read the instructions few times and try..Instructions said wait until 30seconds,so after 30seconds this is my result...

Huh..Apa ni.Kat box ni tak ada pun tulis if one clear and one blur..So what is my result??So I buang result ni.Called MRF and told him about the result and text few of my friends(already married) and ask about it.Some of them said I have to try few times to confirm it and some said its positive..But I just take it as negative.Taknak over excited..

So malam tu MRF balik nak tengok result tu juga.Alamak,kan dah buang!!! Tak pasal-pasal cari la dalam tong sampah.Nasib tong sampah tu semua nya sampah kering so tak de la geli sangat nak cari..Haish....

MRF asked ME to try other brand tomorrow...



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